How to create a New PIOPAC Premium Facilitated Case

Step 1 – Identification

Identify situations PIOPAC has helped overcome billing roadblocks and determine potential and existing cases that may be a fit.

Step 2 – Determine which solution is the best fit for this case

EDD – Employer Deduction Drafting (Standard deduction from employer, but once deduction is performed PIOPAC drafts premiums from employer payroll account and manages administration of remittance from there.) This creates a best-of-both-worlds experience for the client, they can appreciate the advantages of pre-taxing without the administrative burden outside of managing the deductions. Learn more

DDP – Direct Deposit Pay (PIOPAC assigns routing and account number for each participant, participant (or payroll admin) enters payroll redirect from pay (typically net pay) to the routing and account number for that participant. (much like a garnishment, child support, or Christmas tree savings fund may be handled) PIOPAC receives those funds from payroll on paycycle and remits premiums to carriers. Learn more

EFT – Electronic Funds Transfer, this method completely circumvents payroll involvement and the participant pays their premiums directly via their preferred ACH (checking account), or CARD payment method. Learn more

Step 3 – Step three title here

Step three content here.