Thank you for registering in the PIOPAC agent portal

The agent portal allows you to:

  • Create new groups
  • Add participants to groups
  • Run reports for your groups, etc.

What is your role?

Assisting Enroller or Administrative Support

If you are part of an enrolling team and an enroller lead asked you to register, please advise your enrollment team lead that you have registered and can be added to the group. The enrollment lead will communicate the list of registered enrollers to PIOPAC; once that is done, the next time you log in to the agent portal you will see the group added to your profile. You will now be able to enroll or perform administrative duties.

Broker or Enroller Lead

As the broker/enroller lead, if you have a group you have already submitted a New Case Profile Form for, please email to be added to the group. We will confirm receipt and the next time you log in you will see the group has been added to your profile.

If you have not sent in a NCPF and want to create the group using the agent portal, please follow the instructions on the “Setting Up a New Group” chapter of the instructional video below. We will acknowledge receipt and advise when the group is approved.

If you prefer, we can create the group for you, you will just need to complete the online new case profile form. Once received, we will create the group, confirm that the group has been created, and add the group to your profile.

Enrollers or admins who register in the agent portal will be advised to let you know they have registered and are ready to be added to the group. If you approve of their addition to the group for enrollement or admin support, please advise PIOPAC via email at with the list of registered enrollers and admins you would like added to the group. In your email to PIOPAC, indicate the level of access you would like each of them to have:

  • Only those they write (typical for face to face enrollments)
  • All business written in the group (typical for call center enrollments or administration for running reports and ongoing servicing.)
Platform Partner

As a platform partner, please email which groups you should have access to in our system. We will confirm receipt and the next time you log in you will see the group(s) has been added to your profile.

Please watch the video below to gain a working knowledge and familiarity with the portal. It has chapters in the video so you can jump to the appropriate area you need information on. Watching the video all the way through is the natural progression from intake to servicing of the group.

Thank you again for registering in our agent portal, we appreciate your valued partnership

We are here to help


PIOPAC offers employers a multitude of services to simplfy and streamline their business and reduce costs.


Expand union membership by providing Member-Driven Benefits without the need to access a payroll system.

Professional Employer Organizations

Attract and retain employees by offering them benefits without the associated billing burdens and costs.


Grow association membership by offering members benefits without the need to access a payroll system.

Public Sector

By utilizing PIOPAC’s Premium Facilitation Services, public sector clients can avoid the RFP process by not payroll deducting benefits.

Discover the PIOPAC® Advantage for Employers

Flexible Spending Accounts

Accounts allowing you to pay for qualified out-of-pocket expenses with pre-tax dollars.


Health Reimbursement Accounts

Employer funded accounts that help employees with certain medical, dental, or vision expenses.

Lifestyle Spending Accounts

Employer funded accounts that provide the employer the freedom to select the type of eligible expenses covered.

Cobra Administration

Gain piece of mind by minimizing your liability when it comes to time spent administering COBRA.

Premium Facilitation

Attract and retain members and employees by offering them benefits without the typically associated burdens and costs.