Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Flex Debit Card?

The “take care”® Flex Debit Card eliminates the need for you to pay the provider at the time of service or wait for reimbursement from PIOPAC Fidelity. The card works best when you have a fixed copayment. For example, your prescription drug or your HMO copayment.

How does the Flex Debit Card work?

Your Flex Debit card is programmed with your HRA balance amount. Simply present the debit card to a qualified provider or merchant. You pay your required co‐share and the provider receives the balance of the payment directly.

Do I need to keep copies of all my receipts?

Yes, the IRS requires that you save all receipts for Flex Debit Card transactions regardless of whether or not the transaction is automatically adjudicated. Additionally, if PIOPAC Fidelity cannot confirm the exact amount of your copayment they will ask you to provide substantiation of the purchase.

Where does the card work?

The “take care”® debit card is coded to only work at: 1) merchants that are set with a MCC (Merchant Category Code) defining that purchase/service as a medical good or service provider, or 2) stores that have an Inventory Control System (IIAS) in place that confirms at the point‐of‐sale that any items that have been purchased are eligible for the flexible Spending program. Vendors in the State of Hawaii are: Longs Drugs, Wal‐Mart, Walgreens & Safeway Stores. Payments at these stores will not generally require you to substantiate or file additional documentation. In most, if not all cases, the card will not work at grocery/retail stores (unless the store has implemented the Inventory Control System).